Stefan Banz
A Shot Away Some Flowers
168 pages | 72 color images | 12 x 16.5 cm, Hardcover | 1999 | German / English
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Swiss Artist Stephan Banz investigates in his videos—now more than 150 tapes—the seemingly unspectacular reality of his family life and everyday environment. His tapes feature his two children, himself, or his rabid neighbor as protagonists. The children’s room, the stairwell of his own apartment, a forest nearby, the lake: Banz discovers the strange and alien at the heart of his familiar world. At a time when documentary soaps and their trademark dissolution of the boundaries between the private and the public have become standard television fare, Banz is looking for yet another approach to intertwining the private and the public, beyond merely titillating sensationalism and trivial psychological truisms. His video stills are glimpses of quotidian fairy tale—uncanny, playful, and humorous.
スイス人アーティストStephan Banzは、家族との生活や日常の環境といった一見平凡な現実をビデオ作品において追求する。(今やそのテープの数は150以上にものぼる)これらのテープには、ふたりの子どもたちや彼自身、あるいは狂気じみた隣人が主人公として登場する。子ども部屋、アパートの階段吹き抜け、近所の森、湖など、Banzは自分にとっては馴染みの世界の中心で、奇妙で異世界的なものを見いだす。彼のビデオスチールは、日常で垣間みられる神秘的でお茶目でユーモアにあふれたおとぎ話である。