Deborah Levy
Diary of a Steak
52 pages | Two colour | 210 x 125 mm, Soft cover | 1997 | Edition of 1,500 copies
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Deborah Levy’s witty take on the hysteria surrounding ‘Mad Cow Disease’ is both highly amusing and deeply disturbing. Written in the form of a diary of a steak in a butcher’s shop, the narrative charts a progression into madness. Using typographical errors, omissions and forays into other languages, Deborah Levy describes a ‘mind that has been symbolically culled’.
Referencing Freud, psychoanalysis, Jean-Martin Charcot, the English pride in madness and the herd mentality, Diary of a Steak is both thought-provoking and poignant.
詩人・Deborah Levyによる[Diary of a Steak]は、肉屋の「ステーキの日記」という形式を取りながら、物語は狂気のほうへと進んでいく。精神分析学者のフロイトと、狂気と群集心理の権威であるジャン・マルタン・シャルコーに言及しながら展開していく本書は、示唆に富み皮肉的なテキスト作品に仕上がっている。