Jacob Cartwright & Nick Jordan
Alien Invaders: A Guide to Non-Native Species of the Britisher Isles (Volume 1)
40 pages | Full colour | 175 x 125 mm, Hard cover | 2006 | Edition of 1,000 copies
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Researching invasive non-native species of plant and animal life, this collaborative project documents, through drawing and text, the discovery and history of selected alien species introduced to the British Isles, and the effect on native wildlife. Presented as a cross-pollination of fact and fiction, this wonderfully inventive book takes the form of an illustrated natural history guide, offset by the artists' interventions. Ten alien invaders are categorised and illustrated, including: the American Bullfrog, Giant Hogweed, Spanish Bluebell and Wels Catfish. In the manner of a scientific guidebook each entry lists, "Category of Introduction", "Problems caused by Introduction", and "Efforts of Control or Eradication", drawing on both scientific fact and often bizarre cultural anecdote.
Originally published in 2006, third edition, 2008.
外来の植物や動物を調査する事で、このプロジェクトはイギリスにおける外来種の発見と歴史、そして土着の野生に対する影響を挿絵とテキストを通し て記録している。事実とフィクションの交配させることで、このすばらしく独創的な本は自然史のガイドブックとなっている。
10種の外来種を紹介、 それぞれの種は科学のガイドブックに則ってリスト分けされ、科学的な側面とともに文化に残る怪奇な逸話も収録。