Thomas Hirschhorn
Material: Public Works - The Bridge 2000
200 pages | Black & white | 210 x 300 mm, Soft cover, housed in a resealable cover bag | 2001 | Edition of 2,000 copies
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This publication developed out of a work produced for the Protest & Survive exhibition at the Whitechapel Gallery, which involved the construction of a bridge between the gallery cafe and the adjacent Freedom Press anarchist bookshop. The project set out to open a dialogue about the relationship between art and politics. The linking function of the bridge and its remit as a ‘communicative’ device is intended to be continued by this publication.
Modelled on a French government document, this book aims to reveal both the structure of the bridge and the process of artistic production as a mutual activity. Through the reproduction of correspondence and dialogue between the various parties the hidden support systems of production become transparent.
Co-published by Book Works with the Whitechapel Art Gallery.
本書は、ロンドンにあるホワイトチャペルギャラリーで行われた展示[Protest & Survive]から派生して制作された。展示はギャラリーに併設されたギャラリーカフェと、そこに隣接したFreedom Press anarchist bookshopの間に橋を建設するというもので、このプロジェクトは芸術と政治の関連性についての議論をオープンにするために催された。橋の「つなぐ」という機能と、「伝達する」という機能の限界は、本書の中でも引き続き意識されている。