Nils Petter Löfstedt
2009 | 32 pages | 170 x 235 mm | colour and black & white | Softcover | Edition of 300 copies
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In Club 13 (once an illegal club in Malmö), Löftedt brings together the world of his personal relationships with experiences of streets in Malmö, representing its cultural currents and raising questions about the right to public space. Photographed over a period of six years, mostly at night, the book offers Löfstedt’s personal vision of his Swedish city.
JH Engströmのアシスタントを経験したスウェーデン人フォトグラファーNils Petter Lofstedtの写真集。スウェーデンの都市マルメのストリートカルチャーに大きな影響を受けた作者が、マルメの違法クラブ「Club 13」を6年間にわたって撮影したドキュメント。