Jason Evans
NOVENBER, 2012 | 160 pages | 295 x 240 mm | 80 duotone plates | Paperback
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The images in NYLPT are drawn from one body of work, collected in New York, London, Paris and Tokyo, presented in discrete digital and analogue forms. Jason Evans is preoccupied with the tradition of street photography as an aesthetically colonized form, with precedents resilient to re-interpretation; he says, “Sometimes you visit a place and it looks exactly as you expected it to. Like it does in pictures or on TV or at the movies. It’s like a feeling of nostalgia for something you’ve never known.” NYLPT is a result of Evans’s compulsive visual collecting alongside an informed and intuitive focus that frames reoccurring motifs in a process-driven work. Evans invests in chance, luck and persistence, randomly layering exposures on film in camera; what emerges are delightful surprises – the reward for not thinking too much – and a visual thinking matter that is both familiar and strange.
雑誌「花椿」やフォトサイト「The Daily Nice」「The New Scent」などの活動で知られる、イギリス出身のフォトグラファーJason Evansの作品集。ニューヨーク、パリ、ロンドン、そして東京の路上で収められた風景写真を、多重露光の手法で重ね合わせる事で、偶発的に現れる都市のモチーフの普遍性や特異性を巧みに捉えている。