António Júlio Duarte
2011 | 78 pages | 300 x 300 mm | color | Hardback | Edition of 1000 copies
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António Júlio Duarte has been photographing Casino’s lobbies in Macau for the last 10 years. Shot at night, with a medium format camera and a flash, often in jetlagged mode, the lobbies became Duarte’s personal territory. The absurd luxury of the places combined with the strangeness of the objects, and the absence of human presence, creates a strong dreamlike feeling. We are led through a labyrinth, as if floating. The work is, both an important document about the little seen reality of Casino’s in Macau today, and a very personal reflection about East and West, about how to relate to the world through photography.
ポルトガル人フォトグラファー、António Júlio Duarteの写真集。マカオのカジノで10年間に渡って撮影されたものをまとめた1冊。贅沢な空間に不思議なオブジェの組み合わせ、人間が欠如した空間に、強いフラッシュで白く飛んだイメージが続く。