Jem Southam
NOVENBER, 2012 | 104 pages | 330 x 277 mm | Embossed Hardcover | Text by Richard Hamblyn
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In November 2010, after a photographic lull of half a year, Jem Southam took a photograph which became the first in this series, The River Winter and which spurred him to make one of the most concentrated bodies of work in his career. From late autumn through to the earliest signs of spring, along the banks of the river Exe in Devon, Southam chose locations and took photographs, returning at regular intervals. This pattern continued for the next five months with Southam documenting the subtle agencies of change transforming the landscape. By the end of January 2011 he realized this had become a new work, one that caught the effects of the Earth’s turn on film, one which followed the passage of a single winter. The shift in seasons is presented through a sequence of ten by eight color contact prints, with which an essay by Richard Hamblyn explores how, since the last ice-age, winter has embedded itself into our cultural psyche.
イギリス南西部の自然を過去25年に渡り捉えてきたランドスケープ・フォトグラファー Jem Southamの作品集。秋口から春先にかけての5ヶ月に渡り、デヴォン州に流れるエグゼ川流域を定点観測的に撮影、微細に変容する風景を8 x 10 コンタクトプリントで捉えている。巻末に気象学者 Richard Hamblyn が綴ったエッセイを収録。