André Ceped
NOVENBER, 2012 | 56 pages | 240 x 370 mm | black and white | Softcover | Edititon of 1000 copies
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Dark alleys, blocks of cement, tired naked bodies, strings that lead to nowhere, abandoned tubes. Rien, the new André Cepeda book, is an immersive experience. Page after page we are led into a void where all things seem to have lost their name, creating a restless and suspended time. More than looking at physical spaces, we feel as if in an endless present tense. There is Emptiness, but a desired one. Cepeda makes the beautiful more white than black large format photographs look spontaneous and free. A book about the process of photographing,about film. A desire to touch and enlighten all things around us.
ポルトガル在住フォトグラファー、André Cepedaの写真集。強いコントラストのモノクロによる美しい臨場感溢れるイメージが続き、作家特有の世界観を感じれる作品を収容。「Ontem」(2010年刊・Le caillou bleu) に続いて自身2冊目となる写真集。