Torbjørn Rødland
OCTOBER, 2012 | 158 pages | 215 x 255 mm | 67 colour plates, 18 duotone plates | Embossed Hardcover
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Torbjørn Rødland's photography is direct but idiosyncratic, pushing at the boundaries of aesthetic and social norms. His fifth book, Vanilla Partner, continues in this vein, combining images of fetishized isolation in a layout that rejects the linear structure of thematic photography books. Vanilla Partner brings together works made in Oslo, Tokyo, Beijing and Rødland’s current home, Los Angeles.
ノルウェー出身のヴィジュアル・アーティスト、Torbjørn Rødlandの自身5冊目となる作品集。作品背景についての言及を一切廃し、フェティシュを連想させるイメージ群を無作為にレイアウトする事で、一般的な美学や倫理の規範の限界にチャレンジしている。