Edited by Walter Kälin, Lars Müller and Judith Wyttenbach
The Face of Human Rights
Design: Integral Lars Müller
second edition 2008 | German | 16.5 x 24 cm | 720 pages | 500 illustrations | softcover
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“All men are born free and have an equal right to freedom,” states the UN Convention on Human Rights. Almost all nations have signed treaties to this effect, and yet reality looks rather different: everywhere people are tortured and executed, children starve to death and women are raped. And yet the work of the countless human rights actives all over the world is worth while. Proceedings can be instituted against states that fail to meet requirements, as human rights are internationally enshrined. One of humanities essential tasks is to implement them.
This visual reader wants to make a contribution. The Face of Human Rights attempts to present all aspects of human rights visually and make them tangible. 720 pages demand that readers address the issues. Over 500 photographs show human rights infringements world-wide and the tireless struggle to implement and preserve those rights. The extensive selection of text explores the background and creates a dense network of links.
With contributions by Slavenka Drakulic´, Carlos Fuentes, Ryszard Kapus´cin´ski, Alexander Kluge, Sima Samar, Susan Sontag, Wole Soyinka and Margrit Sprecher.
「All men are born free and have an equal right to freedom,(人は皆生まれながらに自由であり、自由に対する平等な権利を有する。)」国連総会は人権についてこう述べている。ほぼ全ての国がこの条約に署名しているが、現実はそう簡単ではない。世界の至る所で拷問や処刑が行われ、子供が餓え女性は強姦されている。しかし世界中の数えきれない程ある人権活動は価値のある行為で、人権は国際的に尊重されているため、列国はこの要求に満たない場合法的措置を取られる。