Dan Graham
In cooperation with GSAPP, Columbia University
Dan Graham's New Jersey
Design: Integral Lars Müller
2011 | English | 19 x 26 cm | approx. 128 pages | approx. 140 illustrations | hardcover
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Dan Graham, one of North America’s most important contemporary artists, is best known today for his sculptural works and installations. His photographic works are generally not so well known, despite the fact that he first became famous for his photographic series Homes for America, pictures of typical American suburbia. To this day the theme of architecture and its surfaces in the context of postmodern everyday culture represents an extremely important facet of his work.
This publication presents new photographs by Dan Graham together with original photographs from the Homes for America series. The new images exhibit stark similarities to the old pictures, as they were taken in the same locations, the same deserts of suburban streets and housing that Graham photographed in the sixties. Creating a fascinating, multilayered reference system of repetitions and differences, both spatially as well as temporally, it raises questions about architecture and public space and their function in society.
北アメリカのコンテンポラリーアーティストとして広く名が知られているDan Grahamは、彫刻やインスタレーション作品で有名だ。しかしGrahamのキャリアは、アメリカの典型的郊外の風景を撮影したシリーズ、『Homes for America』で注目された事から始まっている。
本書は、Grahamの最新写真と『Homes for America』シリーズの写真を共に収録。新作写真をまるで60年代にGrahamが撮影した人気の無い郊外の道端や家といったロケーションで撮影されたかの様に、過去の写真と並列し、“反復”や“違い”を作り出している。